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Identifying self-sabotaging coping mechanisms

When teams are under pressure, pack mentality prevails. When collective anxiety becomes intolerable, teams try to counter it with dysfunctional coping mechanisms.

This might entail making scapegoats, infighting, or ‘othering’ people, teams and departments, to put distance between the team and the threat.

These strategies might offer short-term relief, but they ultimately sabotage group dynamics and performance.

During this webinar we will be discussing what happens when this damaging behaviour flies under the radar and how do we identify and address self-sabotage in our teams?

Book your place

StreamYard is our Webinar Stream Partner.

  • Once registered, you will receive an email from StreamYard confirming your registration.
  • There is an option to save the date / link to your calendar - highly recommended!
  • To join the webinar, return to the email and click the link.

See you soon!

Who should attend?

  • Anyone who manages a team
  • HR professionals
  • Learning and Development managers
  • Team facilitators, coaches and consultants

When and where

These webinars are live and free to attend.

You will be sent a recording if you register, so you can refer back as and when required.

When: Tuesday, 30th April at 14:00 hours BST

Where: Via our live stream webinar platform – you will need to register to secure your place.