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Articles with the tag "360 Feedback"

Career development

New Year, but who are you?

by The Belbin Team | Victoria Brown, 01 Jan 2022

The New Year offers an ideal opportunity to take stock and invest time and attention in ourselves and our goals. How do we ensure that we are setting realistic goals to instil long-lasting changes?


Distrust, politics, infighting and gossip

by The Belbin Team | Victoria Brown, 05 Dec 2018

Companies are paying the price for avoiding feedback. We might think we’re dodging a bullet by using self-reporting personality tests. But avoiding candid feedback can spell disaster for teams.


Belbin and Internships

by The Belbin Team, 27 Sep 2018

Belbin GetSet is designed especially for students, interns and others who might be new to the workplace, since it draws on experiences of teamworking outside the world of work.


Be Brave... Ask for feedback

by The Belbin Team , 08 Aug 2017

Psychometric tests measure personality (who we are); Belbin measures behaviour (what we do). Observer Assessments are integral to the Belbin process, because they can provide behavioural evidence...