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Articles with the tag "Suitability v Eligibility"


Why looking for hard skills can be bad for business

by The Belbin Team, 22 Mar 2021

The synergy – or lack of synergy – between a person and a job can be mysterious and difficult to explain. When two candidates look similar on paper, why is one successful in a role and another not?


In a leader’s world, let's champion the manager

by The Belbin Team | Victoria Brown, 07 Feb 2018

There’s a new and worrying trend in our industry – the denigration of “management” in favour of “leadership”. Comparisons of the two like to contrast...


Can organisations afford to ignore behavioural diversity?

by The Belbin Team | Leena Shalloe, 05 Dec 2017

Belbin consultant and trainer, Leena Shalloe, gives us her views.


Be Brave... Ask for feedback

by The Belbin Team , 08 Aug 2017

Psychometric tests measure personality (who we are); Belbin measures behaviour (what we do). Observer Assessments are integral to the Belbin process, because they can provide behavioural evidence...