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We’re all photographers now.

With our smart phones glued to our hands, every event must be recorded and shared, or just stored with thousands of others. Here’s our Belbin Team Role guide to taking the perfect snap:


‘Smile’. Click. Done.


Oh, I didn’t get Jill in the picture, and Ali, you’re not smiling, please can we all look at the camera together? Big smiles, and click.

Completer Finisher

Just hang on one more second, I didn’t quite get the right angle, sorry, just a few more, almost got it. If you could turn just a fraction more to your left…

Monitor Evaluator

I wonder if this camera was the most prudent purchase – I’m not convinced. Of course, if we’d just waited a few more minutes and stood facing east, we’d have the sunset behind us. But no, we were in a hurry to get to the beach.


Oh, you wanted me to get everyone in the shot? I was taking a picture of that amazing sunset over there…


Oh, hang on, I need to flip the screen. I want to get in this one too. Smile! Of course I’ll send everyone a copy – It’ll remind us of such happy times.

Resource Investigator

I’ll just go and ask the person over there to see if they could take one of us all together. Oh look, I think I know them – hi!


I know, it’s the latest model. I investigated the most effective camera in this price range and I soon realised the most important factor was the exposure rate. Now if you compare this model to the older one you will see that the clarity of focus has increased by 37%, which isn’t bad, although ‘What Camera’ magazine recommends a different brand, but I’m not sure. I need to look into this in more depth. However… Hello? Where’s everyone gone?


I’ve set the timer to five seconds, are we ready? Everyone’s arranged in rows and height order, obviously. Click. Done. I’ll add it to the ‘Summer 2020’ folder now, so we’ll find it again easily.


What's your approach to taking the perfect snap? Fill in a Self-Perception Inventory, get some Observer Assessments, and find out how true this list is!

Happy snapping!

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