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A Belbin Team Role Guide to Skydiving

With a member of the Belbin team gearing up for their first charity skydive, it got us thinking about how different Team Roles might approach a skydive.

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Saber-toothed tigers and the workplace: managing difficult working relationships

Our primitive fight-or-flight response can be triggered by situations with difficult co-workers. Can we overcome this by fostering psychologically safety to encourage 'constructive conflict' at work?

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Maximising your effectiveness in remote and hybrid work

The debate around remote and hybrid work looks set to rage on indefinitely. How can you use your knowledge of your Belbin strengths to work more effectively within a remote or hybrid model?

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Case Study: Increasing behavioural diversity in an international NGO

A top international NGO used Belbin to enhance self-understanding and explore behavioural diversity in teams.

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A Belbin Team Role Guide to Running a Half Marathon

A member of the Belbin team took part in the annual local half marathon here in Cambridge and that got us thinking about how different Team Roles might approach running a half marathon.

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Case Study: Belbin and GroupM

GroupM used Belbin to win new business by unlocking the team’s behavioural diversity and improving collaboration.

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Managing Difficult Relationships at Work

Managing difficult relationships at workOften relationships at work fail quietly. But hidden conflicts and 'silent fails' in relationships can be just as harmful to the team as palms on desks and…

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Belbin and project teams

How do you break the ice quickly and establish rapport quickly? How do you create a collaborative, engaged atmosphere and work towards psychological safety while ensuring the work stays on schedule?

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Case Study: Belbin and Novo Nordisk

Multinational pharmaceutical, Novo Nordisk, uses Belbin to connect their leadership program seamlessly to real team and business issues.

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How to improve teamwork skills: 5 simple tricks

We all understand the importance of teamwork in the workplace and the value of good communication. Here are 5 simple tricks to making yourself a more effective team player

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Case Study - building high performing teams

I first heard of Belbin as a result of online research. A Director wanted to work with his team during a period of intense change. He needed to understand where people would be best suited...

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How Belbin transformed a cohort of chemical engineers at the University of the Basque Country

The Belbin scheme is relevant and meaningful to the undergraduate group projects and a useful tool to guide students towards their future employability.

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