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It’s been an anxious wait for many of the thousands of students across the UK who are receiving their A-level results today.

In the UK, university applications in 2018 have decreased by 2% – a repeat of the 2016-17 trend which indicates that students are exploring alternatives to Higher Education.

Whether starting university, beginning vocational training or an apprenticeship, or entering the world of work, A-level results day marks an important milestone in the journey towards a fulfilling career.

For those who achieve the results they wanted and know what the next step will be, it’s an opportunity for celebration. But what about those who miss out, or those who just aren’t sure which way to go?

The void

At a time when structured education is coming to an end, uncertainty can create a void, leaving students unsure which way to turn.

Of course, it’s important to research all the options carefully and consider what fits best. This goes beyond qualifications and clearing, to reflecting on who you are and what you have to offer.

Qualifications are important, but they aren't everything

Qualifications can open doors, but disappointing exam results needn’t close them.

Richard Branson (who famously left school without any qualifications) recommends focusing on goals, not grades and gives examples of Albert Einstein, Sir Winston Churchill, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, noting that they failed exams, but that, crucially:

“They also applied themselves and found the areas where their strengths were. You won’t necessarily reach success because you failed exams but you can reach success in spite of failed exams.”

An exam paper might not show off your strengths.

Focusing on strengths is key, and for some, the contents of their exam papers don’t necessarily reflect who they are or where they want to go.

Belbin GetSet helps young people understand where they fit.

GetSet is Belbin, designed specifically for students. After completing a short questionnaire, students receive a report identifying their strengths and talents, helping them understand how they might learn and work best, and giving personalised advice and guidance on how to play to their strengths in application processes, at interview and when they land the job.

Belbin GetSet doesn’t suggest particular career paths, but rather enables young people to put their best foot forward and present themselves in the world of work. The global language of Belbin Team Roles is likely to resonate with professionals too, and can help to enhance career prospects.

Next steps 

Do you know a student, school, university or other group who could benefit from Belbin GetSet? If so, please share or visit for information, testimonials and resources.


This post was updated on 9 Aug 2018.

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