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Articles with the tag "Team Work"


Belbin fills beds!

by Bert Visser - Belbin Netherlands, 19 Feb 2021

The interaction changed significantly because of the diversity we put in place. The team dynamics increased, there was more listening to each other and more ideas were implemented.


An interview with the founders of an ice-cream company

by The Belbin Team | The Oppo Brothers, 16 Aug 2019

We spent a morning with the healthy ice-cream start-up Oppo. We spoke with the founders Harry and Charlie Thuillier to get their views on why they saw a need to use Belbin.


The future of work - challenges, conversation and food for thought

by The Belbin Team, 20 May 2019

The future of work is a huge topic for people in the workplace - but it's also something of a hot potato because there are so many topics, challenges and talking points for consideration...


Making the theoretical relevant

by The Belbin Team, 14 Mar 2019

“I’ve done Belbin with the team – what do I do now?” Of course, this is a question without a stock answer as there are so many variables. We really need to back up a level.


Our team lost a fortune because we forgot this one simple rule…

by The Belbin Team | Victoria Brown, 21 Aug 2018

Unbalanced teams can spell disaster. But what happens when you can’t pick and choose team members?


How is your office affecting your team’s DNA?

by The Belbin Team | Victoria Brown, 06 Feb 2018

Here at Belbin HQ, we’ve recently revamped our offices – cutting the clutter and creating a more open workspace. Re-organising has helped us collaborate and communicate more effectively, and it got us


Can organisations afford to ignore behavioural diversity?

by The Belbin Team | Leena Shalloe, 05 Dec 2017

Belbin consultant and trainer, Leena Shalloe, gives us her views.


Bad Apple Syndrome

by The Belbin Team | Barrie Watson, 14 Nov 2017

Occasionally, an individual’s behaviour can have a disproportionate effect on the team. Sometimes this effect is a positive one, but we tend to be involved when the effect is detrimental to the team.


The Case for Teams

by The Belbin Team, 26 Jan 2017

The success of an organisation is linked to the success of its teams. Make 2017 the year of the team.