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Workshop presenter slides

Below are links to download copies of presenters slides from the conference workshops.

Click on the title of the slides you would like to download (in pdf format).

Remaining workshop slides will be added in due course, so do check back.

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1. "Belbin: the Key to Organisational Diagnosis" - Hongyun Lin

2. "Leading Authentic Teams" - Lindsay Lalla

3. "Belbin for Organisational Mentoring: A Case Study" - Ravi Sundaram

4. "Creating Teams of Tomorrow" - Dr Georgiana Els & Chris Jackson

5. "Case Study: Using Belbin with a Prime Contractor on a Major US DOE Site" - Dr Chris Burrows

6. "Teams of the Future" - Candice Collier

7. "Elevating Measurable Performance - A Multi-discipline Approach" - Bruce Herbert

8. "Selecting the right team member by gaining clarity on behaviours for success" - Gary Hewins

9. "Effective Decision Making in Recruitment" - Campbell Urquhart

10. "Behaviours and Cohesive Teams" - DeeDee Smartt Lynch & Mike Lynch

11. "Developing Industry Ready Professionals" - Prof. Line Pillet, Dr Netra Neelam & Pearl D'Souza McKenzie

12. "Developing Resonance: Emotional Intelligence with Belbin Team Roles" - Pearl D'Souza McKenzie











Speakers share their 'Top Three Takeaways'

Watch short videos featuring speakers as they share their 'Top Three Takeaways'.

Access the playlist here on the Belbin YouTube channel, or click on the first video on the right. More videos will be added, so keep checking back.

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Reflections on two inspiring days

The Belbin Conference 2024 was held at Hinxton Hall Conference Centre, part of the Genome Campus.

This provided the perfect back-drop to put teams centre stage, and explore the DNA of teams.

Opening the conference, Jo Keeler, MD of Belbin, highlighted that while it is said we are living in a VUCA world, maybe it is now shifting to a CUVA world - Complex, Uncertain, Volatile, Ambiguous.

Understanding and focusing on complexity means you can anticipate and make sense of uncertainty, which will help you to respond to volatility and deal with ambiguity.

Complexity first.

And that is where teams come in.

When a level of risk and complexity reach a critical state, an individual or working group, regardless of the amount of talent, are no longer up to the task. A team is needed.

As levels of complexity increase, so does the need for teams. And this is where Belbin comes in.

Belbin helps teams to navigate complexity and deliver results.









And this is what was explored over two busy days. Hearing and learning from those who use Belbin within their organisations, large and small, as part of their consultancy work, and within higher education.

Throughout the conference there were comments about how welcoming, friendly and positive individuals were finding the conference atmosphere.

This was exactly the environment we aimed to create.

One where attendees felt able to relax, share and discuss new ideas, ask questions, and leave with valuable knowledge and new connections.     

As one delegate shared with us: "...the spirit of the event was one of community and connection, in a way I have not experienced before. Well done for creating and holding that for all of us."









What attendees had to say

Here is a small selection of some of the feedback delegates have shared with us.

"The format was excellent. I really liked the small number of main talks followed by a choice of workshops. Two days is a perfect length."

"Thank you to the Belbin Team for creating an engaging and impactful conference, I've left feeling energised and full of ideas on how Belbin can support wider goals of the organisation. Thoroughly enjoyed it!"

"Thank you for this event, so inspiring!"

"Belbin is adaptive, flexible and able to support individuals and teams to be their authentic self and thrive."



"Belbin in an organizational perspective was an eye opener on how to work on the culture of an organization with Belbin."

"Belbin is just as relevant today as it has ever been. The fact that it can be aligned with all the new concepts in organisation development shows how accurate the theory is and important its practical application is."

"Belbin is truly a language and I saw so many people from different cultures and countries using it fluently."


Keynote Speakers Day 2 Belbin International Team Conference 2024

Lightbulb moments

"The conference opened my eyes to the versatility of Belbin."

"The main takeaways for me were all the different ways Belbin can be applied."

"The link we can create between the individual, the team & the whole organization".

"The over-riding take away for me was how the simplest of concepts can have the most profound impact."

"It's important to understand and remember people's allowable weaknesses. Not just their strengths."


It's a wrap!

Watch the Belbin Conference 2024 highlights video here.

Until the next conference! 

A very BIG thank you

Conferences are about people. A meeting of like-minded individuals who are looking to share and learn.

The Belbin Team would once again like to thank everyone who attended the Belbin Conference in 2024 for all their contributions. 

The keynote speakers, workshop facilitators and delegates all played a part. The energy, expertise, enthusiasm and engagement that was maintained throughout the two days was exceptional. It was inspiring and delivered valuable takeaways for all.

We could not have done it without you all, so thank you.