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Do you know your Completer Finishers from your Implementers?

Seeing as we all have more than one Team Role strength, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between them. Here are a handful of the common areas of confusion.

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9 toxic workplace cultures - and how to address them with Belbin

Diversity of behavioural contributions is essential for healthy workplace culture. We explore what happens when one Team Role behaviour pervades a team or group and how to remedy.

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Belbin - defining needs, not people

Belbin Team Roles are not just a measurement of people’s behaviour at work, they are a definition of the different types of behaviour required in the workplace to bring about success.

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Team Roles and organisational culture

When you find the recipe for success with an individual or group, it’s tempting to try and reproduce those characteristics. But what are the implications?

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Flexibility, diversity, self-awareness: Why what Generation Z are looking for could benefit everyone

Understanding Millennials – or more accurately, emphasising the differences between generations – is big business. And of course, it’s more of a headline-grabber to make it a tribal thing.

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Belbin and the gig economy

“Gigging” is on the rise. It’s broadly described as freelancing or taking on a series of short-term contracts... But what does a gig economy mean for the way we work together?

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Creative solutions and the problem with 'Don't bring me problems'

If you tell your team to come to you with problems, not solutions, you're likely to alienate vital people and stifle a culture of inquiry.

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Belbin and the Johari Window Model

Discover how to identify hidden strengths and 'blind spots' using the Johari Window model and Belbin methodology in combination.

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How can the Belbin model help build high performance Agile teams?

There are a number of synergies between Agile and Belbin Team Roles. Here we examine how Belbin can inform the Agile mindset and boost the performance of Agile teams.

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5 Tips for Leadership in Uncertain Times

How can we, as leaders, best serve our teams? How do we chart the way forward and adapt our leadership to meet the moment, when the only certainty seems to be more uncertainty?

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Embracing change with Belbin

Businesses need to adapt in order to survive. Here's how to address change and build more engaged, more effective teams.

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Belbin for Sales Teams

Sales teams are instrumental in establishing successful strategic relationships. Belbin Team Roles can help make them more effective.

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