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Self-Sabotaging Teams

It takes courage to stand on your own, facing a group who do things differently. But sometimes, in workshops and presentations, our facilitators ask people to do just that.

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"When all think alike, then no one is thinking."*

What’s the tipping-point? When does a team become a group? How does the psychology change, and what influence does this have on individual behaviours?

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Why Observers matter

The key point of difference between Belbin and other tools is that Belbin includes the opinion of colleagues rather than just those of the individual being assessed.

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Belbin and Entrepreneurship

We analysed the Team Role profiles of growing SMEs and our findings offer insights into the behaviours needed throughout the life cycle of a successful start-up.

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Thinking, social... action! Getting to know the nine Belbin Team Roles

When you’re first getting to grips with Belbin, nine Team Roles can seem a lot to remember. Here we break them down into thinking, social and action roles.

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Belbin, self-reporting and the dangers of the echo chamber

Some people are wary of 'psychometric' tests. They fear being pigeon-holed or that the results will reflect negatively on them.

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Managing a hybrid team

Hybrid working models present additional challenges for managers. Here are our top tips for managing virtual teams using Belbin Team Roles.

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Belbin and Listening Styles

Aligning listening styles and Belbin Team Roles isn’t an exact science, but we’ve provided some ideas and pointers. Read more here.

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Resilience: solo endeavour or team affair?

A diverse and flexible team builds individual and team resilience. For this to work, we need to understand the resources available to them and to be able to call on those resources effectively.

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Does your team play by the rules?

There’s a crucial difference between breaking the rules recklessly and in defiance of authority, and listening to independent thinkers who can help ensure the long-term success of the organisation.

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How does Belbin influence team performance?

In partnership with Team Alchemy (TA) New Zealand, Belbin analysed the performance and Team Role composition of 20 teams and managers at House of Travel in New Zealand.

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Belbin Remote and Hybrid Working Survey

In this study we discover how remote and hybrid working has affected not just individual effectiveness and productivity, but also team engagement and connection to organisational culture.

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