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Stuck doing work that doesn’t come naturally?

Gallup tells us that employees who play to their strengths are six times more likely to be engaged. Nice work if you can get it, but what happens if you don’t have the opportunity?

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What makes a great manager?

We asked, and you told us. Meredith Belbin looked at the data and gives us his thoughts!

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Eight Reasons Why Behaviour Is Important

There are a number of factors underlying behaviour: personality, motivation, values, abilities and environment, to name a few. So why measure behaviour in particular?

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Belbin Team Role communication styles

When you ask teams what is needed for success, ‘communication skills’ is a common response. We all know that good communication with others is key to engagement and performance, and it’s shown to…

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Why teamwork isn't always the answer

Do you work with people who are sceptical about teamwork? Perhaps they’ve had negative past experiences.Team members who left them to do all the work and then took the credit.

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Pair work - building and repairing working relationships

Some work requires more resources than an individual has to offer, but is not best served by a team. Here we explore the benefits of pair work and introduce the Belbin Working Relationship reports.

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How to build resilient teams: organisational resilience in a hybrid workplace

Challenging times present opportunities for personal growth, discovering new skills and building resilience. Read more and download our free guide,

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Belbin Team Roles in a crisis

In a challenging environment, people revert to what they know – to those behavioural styles which come most naturally. Here is our guide to how each Team Role responds in a crisis.

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Belbin and Change Webinar

During this webinar we discuss and share how we have helped teams through periods of change, and the part each Belbin Team Role plays.

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How to tackle burnout with Belbin

Burnout is a work-related phenomenon and the language of Belbin Team Roles can help alleviate it by enabling managers to detect the symptoms and ask the right questions.

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Why Teams Matter

We spend time exploring what makes teams work, but how often do we stop and think about why and when to deploy teams in the first place?

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Belbin, teams and the social contract

A social contract details how team members will behave with one another, enabling everyone to work together more effectively.

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