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Belbin and the gig economy

“Gigging” is on the rise. It’s broadly described as freelancing or taking on a series of short-term contracts... But what does a gig economy mean for the way we work together?

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Flexibility, diversity, self-awareness: Why what Generation Z are looking for could benefit everyone

Understanding Millennials – or more accurately, emphasising the differences between generations – is big business. And of course, it’s more of a headline-grabber to make it a tribal thing.

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Why Teams Matter

We spend time exploring what makes teams work, but how often do we stop and think about why and when to deploy teams in the first place?

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Eight Reasons Why Behaviour Is Important

There are a number of factors underlying behaviour: personality, motivation, values, abilities and environment, to name a few. So why measure behaviour in particular?

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Six Common Teamwork Myths put Straight

Six Common Misperceptions about Teamwork - a Belbin perspective on the original research by Professor J. Richard Hackman.

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10 top causes of workplace negativity and how to beat them with Belbin

We can’t fix the photocopier or restock the vending machine, but here are 10 problems we know Belbin Team Roles can tackle!

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5 ways Belbin helps cultivate a growth mindset

Adopting a "growth mindset" from an early age reaps considerable rewards. We explore how to use Belbin to develop and cultivate a growth mindset.

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Why Observers matter

The key point of difference between Belbin and other tools is that Belbin includes the opinion of colleagues rather than just those of the individual being assessed.

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Belbin - defining needs, not people

Belbin Team Roles are not just a measurement of people’s behaviour at work, they are a definition of the different types of behaviour required in the workplace to bring about success.

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What makes a great manager?

We asked, and you told us. Meredith Belbin looked at the data and gives us his thoughts!

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Do you know your Completer Finishers from your Implementers?

Seeing as we all have more than one Team Role strength, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between them. Here are a handful of the common areas of confusion.

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